Mark your Calendars

Safety Town 2025 June 23 - 27th

Registration begins at NOON on Monday March 3rd

Protecting your children by teaching them to protect themselves.

Safety Town is a fun, five-day safety awareness program designed for children entering kindergarten. Through the use of music, crafts, movies, books, community speakers, and a child-sized town, the children are taught basic safety lessons that they can use for the rest of their life.

New Day, New Adventures in Safety

Every day at Safety Town, children face new challenges as they learn the proper way to cross the street, buckle their seat belt, wear a helmet while riding a bicycle, and understand the colors of the traffic light and traffic signs.

We also cover safety lessons such as tricky people, water, fire, railroad tracks, school bus, guns, dog bite prevention and how to dial 911.

Representatives from the local Pulaski County Sheriffs Office, Police department, Fire Department, Union Pacific Railroad, MEMS and more participate at Safety Town to make everyday an unforgettable experience for the children.


Do you have a child entering or graduating from Kindergarten this year? Our program is aimed at children ages 5-6 years old.



Everything you need to know about Safety Town if you have a child in this year’s program, including pick-up and drop-off information.



We couldn’t do this without our volunteers. Whether you’re an adult who wants to teach or a teen who needs service hours, apply online today!

Looking for other ways to help?